It is the problem drinker who is our concern. We cannot predict who will recover, nor have we the authority to decide how recovery should be sought by any other alcoholic. Meetings welcome attendees from court programs and treatment facilities.
The strength of our program lies in the voluntary nature of membership in A.A.; however many of us first attended meetings because we were pressured to by someone else. Educated us to the true nature of the illness. Please do not share anything you see or hear in the meetings. No recording or screenshots are allowed. Meeting lengths will be 60 minutes.
Meeting Guide is a free-of-charge meeting finder app.
- The strength of our program lies in the voluntary nature of membership in A.A.; however many of us first attended meetings because we were pressured to by someone else.
- We cannot predict who will recover, nor have we the authority to decide how recovery should be sought by any other alcoholic.
- Local entities provide their meeting information voluntarily.
- Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, income or profession.
- Meetings welcome attendees from court programs and treatment facilities.
- Attending the meeting who would like to introduce themselves.
These newsletters include information about A.A. History and current activities; sharing from groups, service committees, and individual A.A. Members; and notices of upcoming events.
Please read the meeting’s description to find the meeting password, if one is required. Some meetings request you to contact the group directly for meeting information or password. The blue «Email» button allows you to contact groups directly. That isn’t an empty promise.
Joint Committee on Safety Events Planning Meeting
A statement about anonymity in A.A. As a valuable privacy principle for new and longtime members might be read. Many meetings close with members joining in a moment of silence followed by a prayer, or perhaps by reciting the Responsibility Statement or other A.A. Speaker meetings often are open meetings. Whether open or closed, A.A.
If you have a Zoom account but cannot remember your password, click Forgot. Read about the history of the Meeting Guide app in the Fall 2019 issue of Box newsletter. The Online Intergroup aids its member groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Follow these instructions to download Zoom or to rename yourself before you enter the Zoom meeting at the OIAA International Convention. Enter the meeting ID number (shown underneath the button on this website) when prompted followed by the #key.
Activate Language Interpretation in a Zoom Meeting
In the current version I get multiple communities in my area — this is great. In the latest version 3.0.28, the only hits returned are for the City input, so multiple city searches are required for meetings in surrounding communities. I don’t see a way to expand the search for +10 or 20 miles. This may not be an issue in some areas, but for many of us in multi-City areas it’s not always as easy. Service entities full control of their local meeting information while collecting it in one place, making it easy for anyone to find a meeting. Local entities provide their meeting information voluntarily.
Use the filter options to find upcoming meetings on specific days or types such as “Tuesday” «Big Book», «Speaker», or «Proof of Attendance». If the meeting is listed as a Zoom meeting and there is no green button shown, it means that the meeting has not been setup to link to Zoom yet. Please be patient – our volunteers are working to get things set up as quickly granada house boston as we can. If you can help out by giving us the correct Zoom ID, please contact the General Service Office via the Member Enquiry Form. If someone you care about has a drinking problem, A.A.
Member acknowledge attendance. This may be provided on a slip that has been furnished by the referral source, or via a digital method if the group is online. The referred person is responsible for returning the proof of attendance. Sometimes a referral source asks for proof of attendance at A.A.
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